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One Giant Leap of Faith into 2025

 It's amazing to think that one year ago we were celebrating Mike getting off the Heart Transplant List, and now here in 2025 he has a new heart!  2024 was a rolling rollercoster of emotions, fears, celebrations, and the deep unknown. It started off with celebration packed with the never ending question of when. When would he get worse again, when would his heart fail, when when when. The looming question that seated itself in the back of my mind. The question that popped into my mind when I was driving alone, when Mike didn't answer my phone calls, when he was alone with the boys; it wasn't an overwhelming thought, just a thought that would spring up and make itself at home in the corner of my mind. Mike would say that I worry for the both of us, which is absolutely true...someone has to do it! I worry and then prepare for those worries. I think all that worrying and preparing really helped us get through the worst moments of 2024...but then again, you can never be prepare...
Recent posts

3 Months with Christmas Around the Corner

 This month we celebrate Jesus' birth and Mike's 3 month anniversary with a new heart! A wonderful month to celebrate in! We started off December trying to cram in every holiday activity that we could. Hot cocoa, cookie baking, craft shows, Christkindl Market Downtown, and visiting with loved ones.  Mike had his 3 month (Dec 10th) check up, left heart Cath, and biopsy. It was a long day at the hospital as left heart caths take more time. Nothing some raspberry sherbet and peanut butter crackers couldn't fix though. On the 11th we each (Mike and I) received some news. Mike was at a level 2 rejection and my position with Learning Care Group was eliminated. It was a tough day for the Neubert household. Mike started on a higher dose of steroids and an extra 3 day boost of steroids to help kick the rejection. He was also scheduled for another biopsy on December 23rd. After 15.5 years with AppleTree/LCG I am transitioning into a new era in my life...what that is is still to be de...

Cabinet Doors & Dirty Socks

 From New Hearts to Halloween to Thanksgiving to Christmas...Happy Holidays!  When Mike and I were first married I remember his Aunt Sandy asking me what I found the most irritating about living with my new husband. I told her it was his dirty socks that he would leave all over the apartment but mostly slightly shoved into the couch cushions. She then proceeded to tell me about her pet peeve with Uncle Ted. In the morning he would get ready and start to make breakfast and a coffee. He would leave every cabinet door and drawer open as he went through the kitchen. She would be so mad as she went behind him and closed every opened door and drawer. One day though, Ted went to a conference and was out of town for a bit. As Sandy got ready and went into the kitchen she noticed that the cabinet doors and drawers were all closed...Ted wasn't home and there was no sign of him. She told me to cherish the cabinet doors & dirty socks. From then on when I found the dirty socks shoved i...

Happy Halloween

 It is crazy to think that it has been 6 weeks since Mike has been home. Our goal date for Mike to be home was Halloween. We would tell the boys, maybe by Halloween dad will be home. We have been able to pick out pumpkins, carve them, go on family walks, play games, read together, and live life together all before Halloween came.  Mike is doing so well I literally sit in awe sometimes and catch myself forgetting that this all happened. The physical scars are a reminder of the fog that was August and September. Mike is walking over 10,000 steps a day and is still at a level 1 Rejection. The doctors have started the very slow process of weaning him off his steriods...half a pill to start with! With Mike's new weight bench he is smashing leg and arm days. He is working his way up to visiting with people and getting out in the town. He even completed a little Honey Do List for me recently. He is getting anxious to start some work again and maybe head back to working at home mid De...

Look Towards the Heavens

 This past week was filled with adventure, firsts, and movement forward! The boys are finally healthy...except for a lingering cough. This means that we can finally be all together in the house. Eating meals together, reading the bible together at bedtime, and just enjoying each others company. We took this opportunity to reset and make it a no technology week, the boys did not like this idea but it worked out so well! We were able to focus on just being a family and not worry about the other stuff. Mike and the boys watched football together, played games, went on walks/bike rides, and helped with homework....Mike has the math brain in this household!  Mike and I were able to take a trip to Grand Haven and enjoy the last 78 degree day of the year. We ate at our favorite bakery, Village Baker, and enjoyed some of the best soft pretzels I have ever tasted. We walked downtown and window shopped, and enjoyed a stroll on the boardwalk before having lunch on the beach at Noto's. It...

1 Month and Counting

 A lot can happen in just one month; milestones, anniversaries, life, death, love, loss. But with this past month we celebrate 1 month with a new heart!  This past week has felt like a few weeks for the Neubert Family. Blake continued to go to school despite his barky cough and Easton stayed home with a never ending fever totalling 10 days. After some blood tests and a chest x-ray Easton was diagnosed with pneumonia. They went ahead and treated Blake for pneumonia as well. After a couple days of antibotics the boys are starting to feel better and Easton's fever seems to be dwindling. The beautiful weather has allowed us to go on walks as a family and sit outside on the patio. It has helped to get some fresh air and feel the sun shining on us. Hopefully next week both boys will be back at school and we can figure out a new routine.  Mike's heart cath, echo, and biopsy went well this week. No major changes from the week before and still at a level 1 rejection. His blood pre...

3 Weeks Update

Three whole weeks with a new still amazes us and I don't think it will ever stop amazing us!  Our first week and a half home has been an interesting one. I think the boys and I were on autopilot for quite awhile and now that Mike is home our bodies caught up with us. Blake got a nasty cough and cold the day Mike had his transplant. After talking with the doctor and seeing the doctor it is decided that he has a viral cold that will take a long time to get rid of, three weeks in and he is still coughing. Easton is on day 3 with a fever and developing that nasty cough as well. I had a sore throat (negative for step) and am trying so hard to not get this cough and cold from the boys. With this, Mike has been enjoying some alone time in the basement, wearing his mask in the house upstairs, and using the warm weather to spend time with us as we walk up and down our street. Definitely not how we saw Mike's homecoming going. We are longing for the day we can eat meals togeth...