It's amazing to think that one year ago we were celebrating Mike getting off the Heart Transplant List, and now here in 2025 he has a new heart!
2024 was a rolling rollercoster of emotions, fears, celebrations, and the deep unknown. It started off with celebration packed with the never ending question of when. When would he get worse again, when would his heart fail, when when when. The looming question that seated itself in the back of my mind. The question that popped into my mind when I was driving alone, when Mike didn't answer my phone calls, when he was alone with the boys; it wasn't an overwhelming thought, just a thought that would spring up and make itself at home in the corner of my mind. Mike would say that I worry for the both of us, which is absolutely true...someone has to do it! I worry and then prepare for those worries. I think all that worrying and preparing really helped us get through the worst moments of 2024...but then again, you can never be prepared for your worst moments.
At the beginning of a new year most people will make new years resolutions, reflect back on the good and bad from the year before, maybe choose a word to live by, or set goals for the year. In 2024 Mike and I set goals to live life to it's fullest and spend time with friends and family. We started off the year strong and finished it with a new heart surrounded by friends and family...I think we rocked 2024! Maybe it wasn't how we thought the year would go, but how are supposed to know how the year will go, how are we supposed to create goals for something that is 365 days long? 2025 seems so endless; endless with possiblitilies, adventures, questions, a new set of worries and what ifs to find. I am excited to jump into the endless wonders of 2025 with a new prospect of a career and the journey of Mike's new heart and life.
For 2025 our goals are to live life to it's fullest and spend time with friends and family...hey, they worked for 2024 so they should work for this next year too - right?!
Heart Journey Updates:
Blake and Easton had their yearly heart appointments on December 16th, it was a busy couple weeks for us in the Neubert household. Both of their hearts are beautiful and working as they should be, EFs in the high 60's and great heart structure. Neither one has Cardiomyopthy at this time. They will continue to have yearly checkups to ensure their hearts are working well. Of course before their appointments I was worrying and preparing...I just figured with the way the year was going I just better prepare for the worst, thank goodness I didn't have to prepare any further. Blake and Easton also started back with wrestling this December. They enjoy learning new moves and stretching their skills, even when they complain about going to practice. Their coach this year is working them hard and we are excited to see them compete this year in some tournaments. Mike has another biopsy on January 6th and starts back to work full time. This year will be full of endless tests and waiting for results. Trusting in God with each doctor visit and MyChart result.
Jeremiah 29:11 can be found in multiple places in our house and we have lived by this verse for many years. "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." When I catch myself worrying and planning I remind myself of this verse. The Lord already has a plan and His plan is so much better than mine. Matthew 6:25-27 reminds us that God provides for everyone, even the birds of the sky. He aks us: Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Do not worry, God has a plan and provides...sometimes we need to wait, and sometimes we need to open our hands that are clinched so tight to now receive.
I pray that you will open your hands to 2025. We have no idea what all those days ahead of us will lead to. But if our hands are open we will be ready to receive whatever comes our way. Even if it is just God reaching out his hand to hold ours in as we take a giant leap of faith.
Happy New Year!
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